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The forest coverage rate of Zhongshan exceeds 23%
Updated: 2018-04-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Enforcement Inspection Unit of the Standing Committee of Zhongshan People's Congress held a meeting on the morning of April 10 to listen to the implementation report of “Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China” and “Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Forestry Law ” given by the municipal government.

At present, the forest coverage rate of Zhongshan has exceeded 23%. The city has the province’s leading forestry quality with 430 thousand mu forestland area, 96.7% woodland forest coverage, 3 million cubic meters forest growing stock and 76 cubic meters per unit area of forest growing stock.

Zhongshan also sees progressing construction of forest towns. After Dongfeng obtaining the “Guangdong Demonstration Forest Town” title, Nanlang, Guzhen, Banfu and Nantou town have been entitled “Guangdong Forest Town”, which makes Zhongshan the prefecture-level city with most forest towns in Guangdong.

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