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Zhongshan to upgrade 21 sewage disposal plants
Updated: 2018-04-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Guangdong Housing and Urban-rural Development Department and Department of Environmental Protection of Guangdong Province announce a notice days before, requiring that the upgrading and renovation of 210 domestic sewage treatment facilities located in sensitive areas of Guangdong Province need to be completed by the end of the year. 21 Zhongshan-based sewage disposal plants, involving 950 thousand tons daily sewage treatment, are included.

According to the notice, by the end of 2018, all domestic sewage treatment facilities in sensitive areas (areas along the water supply channels, catchment areas of major reservoirs, catchment areas of offshore areas, etc), with water not reaching surface water Class IV standard, need to be upgraded and renovated in accordance with higher standard. After the renovation, treated water discharged from these facilities is required to reach national Class A standard and local standard of Guangdong province.

Liao Jiajun, manager assistant of sewage operation department of Zhongshan Public Utilities Water Supply, says that the sewage of central city is mainly treated in two plants, both of which will be renovated and upgraded this year.

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