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Shenwan Harbor District passes the ‘national port core competences inspection’
Updated: 2018-04-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Shenwan Harbor District of Zhongshan passed the expert inspection of “national-level port core competences” with high marks on April 13, Zhongshan Bureau of Commerce reports.

“Port core competences” refers to the WTO members’ capabilities of preventing, controlling and responding public health risks and emergencies taken place in domestic ports.

Reportedly, Zhongshan has established “joint conference system”, which strengthens and coordinates cooperation of different departments in terms of public health security at ports. At present, Zhongshan has been developing health and medicine industry. Increased “port core competences” would provide quality and convenient trading environment for the industry.

So far, several biological product enterprises such as Akeso Biopharma had applied for the recordation in Zhongshan. 

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