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Zhongshan achieves full coverage of women’s ‘two cancers’ screening
Updated: 2018-04-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Women and Children Working Committee Conference was held on April 17 to summarize the work in 2017 and deploy the key work in 2018.

In 2017, Zhongshan has achieved remarkable results in optimization of development environment for women and children, rights protection, promotion of integrated development of women and children, and etc. The city’s maternal mortality rate and infant mortality control rate are both better than the provincial average. Registered women can enjoy pre-pregnancy test, prenatal examination, newborn screening and other services for free. The city's incidence of birth defects has been declining for 5 consecutive years. Zhongshan also becomes the first in Guangdong to achieve full coverage of women’s “two cancers”(breast and cervical cancer) screening.

Furthermore, women hold 46.91% of the city’s jobs, highest proportion under the current work stage. The proportion of female director of village neighborhood committee also increases from 0.67% to 4% from previous term, the highest increase in Guangdong. 

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