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Zhongshan’s OMPI ranks 12th nationwide
Updated: 2018-04-20    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“The Monitoring Report of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Respects 2017” cooperated by independent third-party organization Competitiveness Think Tank and Credit Committee of China Information Industry Association was released on April 17. Among the 653 monitored cities (including sub-provincial cities), Zhongshan’s Overall Moderately Prosperous Index (OMPI) reached 129.15 points, ranking the 12th nationwide, 7 places higher than a year earlier.

The report also mentioned “Cities with 3 and more ‘A+’ Grades in Sub-index of Overall Moderately Prosperous”. Five above-prefecture-level cities including Zhongshan acquired 5 “A+” grades in sub-index. Zhongshan was also the only 5 “A+” city in Guangdong province. The other four cities were Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang of Jiangsu Province and Changsha of Hunan Province. 

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