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72-hour bookstore opens
Updated: 2018-04-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In Zhongshan and other dozens of city nationwide, there is a bookstore that only opens 3 days a year. 

From April 20 to 22, “72-hour Bookstore” opened for the 5th time in Zhongshan and attracted thousands of citizens. According to Xie Lamu, one of the planners of “72-hour Bookstore”, the theme of this year’s event was “No Wasting, Endless Reading.” They hoped to promote the concept of “do not waste” things including food, supplies, and learning ability of young people.

The bookstore was run in Zhongshan Cultural Center this year. In addition to regular on-site activities, there were also “Youth Talk”, outdoor riding, reading and other activities.

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