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28 units awarded ‘Forest Homeland’ title
Updated: 2018-04-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On April 22, the Earth Day, the 2018 Zhongshan Carnival for the Establishment of National Forest City was held in Zhongshan Arboretum in response to the initiative and series of propaganda activities organized by Guangdong Forestry Department for the construction of forest city.

Reportedly, in 2017, total 28 city-level units were awarded “Forest Homeland” title by Zhongshan Forestry Bureau. During the opening ceremony of the carnival, organizer issued the “Forest Homeland” plates to Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee School, Zhongshan NO.1 People’s Court, Dongsheng Township Government, Guinan Village of Wuguishan, Zhen Garden community, UESTC Zhongshan Institute, Zhongshan Frontier Inspection Station, Zhongshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School, Guhe Village of Sanxiang Town, and etc. 

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