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Township ‘People’s Livelihood Observation Rooms’ make debut
Updated: 2018-05-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The first group of township “People’s Livelihood Observation Rooms” of Zhongshan Municipal Committee of CPPCC opened respectively in Dongsheng, Xiaolan, Tanzhou and Banfu days before. These observation rooms will help municipal CPPCC members in reaching the grassroots level, listening to people’s voice and providing better public services.

Chairman of Zhongshan Municipal Committee of CPPCC Qiu Shuhong and Vice-Chairman He Cancheng visited Dongsheng, Xiaolan and Banfu for the opening ceremonies of the observation rooms.

Reportedly, Zhongshan Municipal Committee of CPPCC plans to open observation rooms in 24 towns and districts by the end of June. 

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