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The prices of major agricultural and sideline products continue to decline
Updated: 2018-05-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau, the prices of agricultural and sideline products continued to decline in April. The stable running trend of food prices will be unchanged in the future. 

The monitoring data showed that the prices of 30 kinds of vegetable continued to decline in April. The average monthly transaction price fell to 3.48 yuan/500g, with a month-on-month decrease of 7.69%. 

The pork price jumped last month. The prices of pigs and piglets were 5.45 yuan/500g and 12.38 yuan/500g respectively. The prices of other agricultural and sideline products such as meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products, ginger, scallion and garlic all showed the decline trend. 

Official of Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau believed that the vegetable prices will continue dropping and run at a low level in the future owing to the abundant supply. 

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