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Zhongshan enterprise draws up national industrial standard
Updated: 2018-05-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The national industrial standard “The General Technical Requirements on Assembly-type Hangers (Draft for Review)”, which was formulated by Zhongshan enterprise NPY Technology Co Ltd, passed the expert review on May 2 in Beijing. The standard was considered “reasonable in product requirements and experimental methods” and "reaching international advanced level".

Reportedly, the standard applies to gravitate-loaded hangers used in water supply and drainage, heat supply, ventilating, air-conditioning, gas, heating power, electric power, communication and fire-fighting systems in civil and industrial constructional engineering and municipal engineering.

NYP Technology Co Ltd settled in Sanjiao town, Zhongshan city last year. The company owns leading techniques in anti-knock and shock absorption fields. Its products are used in key projects such as national Hainan Museum and China Academy of Building Research. 

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