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Zhongshan reduces business electricity price
Updated: 2018-05-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan’s business electricity price will be cut by 1.78 cents/KWH (tax-inclusive, the same hereinafter) since April 1, 2018.

According to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau, after the reduction business electricity will be priced as follow: 80.84 cents/KWH for less than 1 thousand KV used, 78.34 cents/KWH for 1-10 thousand KV used, 77.93 cents/KWH for 20 thousand KV, and 75.84 cents/KWH for 35 thousand KV or above. For example, a large commercial complex in East District can save more than 300 thousand yuan a year in electricity bills, assumed that its annual electricity consumption reaches 20 million KWH.

Since 2016, Zhongshan’s business electricity price has been cut by 6.37 cents/KWH at four times, which help enterprises save operation cost. 

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