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Zhongshan announces enrollment plan for municipal primary and junior middle schools
Updated: 2018-05-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan has formulated and recently announced “The 2018 Enrollment Plan for Municipal Primary and Junior Middle Schools” in order to promote fair education, Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau says.

According to the plan, municipal junior middle schools will cancel recruitment of talented students of any kind for educational equality and balanced source of students for both municipal and township schools.

For primary school enrollment, the entrance treatment for district students to municipal primary schools is maintained this year. In specific, eligible children living in Dongming Garden, Dongsheng Garden, Sun Flower Land, Dongsheng Yuan Community, Dongkang Garden and Yingyue Garden will be enrolled to Zhongshan Experimental Primary School, and those living in Yicui Garden will be enrolled to Zhongshan Shiqi Central Primary School.

In addition, district students and eligible policy-benefited children will have priority of direct enrollment. The remaining vacancies will be used in computer aided allocation. 

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