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HOME > News > The pipeline project of Linhai Sewage Disposal Plant to be done in August
The pipeline project of Linhai Sewage Disposal Plant to be done in August
Updated: 2018-05-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A supervision team led by Deputy Mayor Yuan Yongkang visited Torch Zone on May 8 for field supervision of the rectification of the defective projects investigated by the Central Environmental Inspector Section.

Previously, two sewage disposal plants, respectively located in Torch Zone and Tsuihang New District, were found to have problems and required rectification.

It is known that the Hui-style Yangguan Sewage Disposal Plant in Torch Zone has been completed and is under interior decoration. Yangguan Sewage Disposal Plant , with daily treatment scale of 200 thousand cubic meters, will undertake the work of the former Dahuan Disposal Plant. So far, 30% of the pipelines connecting two plants have been finished. The whole construction will be completed by the end of June.

The Linhai Sewage Disposal Plant, located at Tsuihang New District, started construction in 2012. But it has been left unused since its completion for no sewage pipes. So far, about 33% of the pipeline project of the plant has been completed. The whole construction will be finished in August. 

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