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Two Zhongshan families selected as national ‘The Most Beautiful Family’
Updated: 2018-05-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 China “The Most Beautiful Family” was announced recently in Beijing. Ning Shujuan’s family and Li Lianzhen’s family both from Zhongshan city were included in the list.

Ning Shujuan who once obtained national “Advanced Individual in Rights Protection for Women and Children” title is a senior marriage and family lawyer. Her husband Hai Chunsheng, one of the first “Zhongshan Family and Parental Education Tutors”, is bound up in public welfare undertakings after work. The couple, both graduated from Peking University, always pay attention to teach their children with words and deeds. They have a collection of more than 5,000 books at home, which build a “read more, study more, think more and help more” family atmosphere.

A four-generation truth story performed in Li Lianzhen’s family. “Home is the happy harbor, and mother will be the everlasting dependence of sons and daughters’. My mum is 85-year-old now and has 7 children. We are a happy 37-man family.” Says 67-year-old Li Lianzhen. 

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