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The shortlist of Zhongshan point-based school enrollment released
Updated: 2018-05-18    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Floating Population Management Office released the shortlist of point-based school enrollment of the year on May 16.

The shortlist shows that in the primary school admission ranking, a student living in Shiqi District, who was originally from Binzhou, Hunan Province, took the first place with 983 points. His parent work for Perfect (China) Co Ltd. In the junior high school admission ranking, a student living in East District scored the highest 944 points. He was originally from Fuyang, Anhui Province. His parent work for China (Zhongshan) Security company.

Seven towns and districts have remaining vacancies. Reportedly, the shortlist will be publicized on the official website of Zhongshan Floating Population Management Office for 5 working days from May 16. 

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