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Zhongshan to complete full dangerous house renovation for rural disabled persons
Updated: 2018-05-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 7th Congress of Zhongshan Disabled Persons Federation was convened at Zhongshan Polytechnic on May 21.The meeting summarized the work concerning the disabled for the past 5 years and deployed the major tasks for the next 5 years.

The meeting elected the new presidium and executive council and deliberated the suggested candidate list of the member of the 7th presidential council of Guangdong Disabled Persons’ Federation.

The report given by Wang Yingkang on behalf of the 6th presidium of Zhongshan Disabled Persons Federation at the meeting mentioned the major tasks in the coming years: by the end of 2019, Zhongshan will complete full renovation of dangerous houses for rural disabled persons; by the end of 2020, a set number of work therapy stations will be built respectively in township disabled persons service centers; by the end of 2020, 90% of disabled children and certified disabled persons with rehabilitation need will be offered basic rehabilitation service; and by the end of 2020, Zhongshan will complete “wheelchair accessible renovation at home” as far as possible. 

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