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Coaches of UK football club to teach in Zhongshan school
Updated: 2018-05-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan-based Huangpu Peihong Primary School and Hong Kong Luweishi Sports Development Co Ltd signed the “campus football training program” on May 22.

According to the cooperation agreement, Luweishi will entrust coaches of UK club Leeds United to provide football instruction and training at Peihong Primary School for a year. Excellent players will also have opportunity of tryout in Leeds United in the future.

Reportedly, Huangpu Town has been focusing on the development of campus football. 15 primary and secondary schools in Huangpu have carried out football-related activities. In 2015, Peihong Primary School has become one of the first national youth campus football specialty schools. In 2016, Huangpu was recognized Guangdong demonstration county (district) of campus football. 

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