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Farmers may enjoy free insurance
Updated: 2018-05-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

To give full play to the guiding role of financial premium subsidies and policy-based agricultural insurance and to promote agricultural supply-side structure reform, Zhongshan Agriculture Bureau drafted and currently publicized the “Zhongshan Implementation Plan of Policy-Based Agricultural Insurance (2018-2020)”.

According to the plan, 3 types of insurance respectively related to rice seed production, orange growing and agricultural facilities (greenhouse) will be added. Besides, farmers who grow rice, corn, and potato can join insurance for free.

Moreover, the city will also explore the establishment of special agricultural insurance. Related plans will be formulated and implemented separately. By then, the relevant insurance premiums will be paid in accordance with the principle of voluntariness. Most of the premiums will be jointly paid by municipal and township governments, while farmers only need to pay less than 20% premium. 

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