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HOME > News > ‘Zhongshan Wuguishan Agilawood’ applies for GI trademark
‘Zhongshan Wuguishan Agilawood’ applies for GI trademark
Updated: 2018-05-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“Zhongshan Wuguishan Agilawood” has been defined one of the potential Geographical Indication (GI) trademark after relevant application documents are sent to national authorities. It will probably become the first GI trademark owned by Zhongshan city.

Since last year, Zhongshan industry and commerce bureau has sent staffs to Wuguishan, Dongsheng, Shenwan and Gangkou for research for many times. After a series of investigations and surveys, municipal government approves Wuguishan Forestry Station to apply for GI trademark for “Zhongshan Wuguishan Agilawood”. Zhongshan Industrial and Commercial Bureau gives whole-process support to the application in addition to special fund set up for brand publicity and protection.

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