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Home returning for Ouyang’s oracle bone inscription art works
Updated: 2018-05-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On May 18, the International Museum Day, Zhongshan Museum received a special guest. Ouyang Xiaoping, from Japan, came to Zhongshan to make his father Ouyang Keliang’s oracle bone inscription art works “returning home”.

At the ceremony, more than 100 oracle bone inscription manuscripts created by Ouyang Keliang were donated by Ouyang Xiaoping to Zhongshan Museum. “Finally I fulfill my father’s wish.” Said Ouyang Xiaoping with cheerful tears.

Born in May 1918 in Daling Village in Zhongshan, Ouyang Keliang was known as famous oracle scholar and calligrapher. In 1958, he founded a research institution for oracle bone inscription in Tokyo, Japan, hoping to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.

The calligraphy exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of Ouyang Keliang’s birth also opened on May 18.

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