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Zhongshan to host the next International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Updated: 2018-05-31    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence concluded in Montreal, Canada recently. According to Zhongshan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau of Zhongshan, the organizing committee chairmen and academician of The Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada Sun Jingyi announced that the next conference will be held in Zhongshan in 2020, and the third in Paris in 2022.

The 5-day conference included expert lectures, symposiums and classified workshops. Specialists and scholars from Canada, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia and China attended the conference. Officials of Zhongshan Economic and Information Technology Bureau and Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau of Zhongshan were invited to the activity by Academician Sun Jingyi. 

Reportedly, Zhongshan delegation also visited the pattern recognition and machine intelligence research center of Concordia University and IMDS (International Media Data Service) Company to discuss the technical cooperation between Zhongshan and local schools and enterprises.

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