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State-run and provincial media covers Zhongshan ‘food safety experience’
Updated: 2018-05-31    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

8 media agencies including state-run Xinhua News Agency and provincial Guangdong Radio and Television Station came to Zhongshan on May 29 for interview of Zhongshan’s characteristic experience in food safety control and supervision.

The media delegation visited Zhongshan Longfeng Catering Service Co Ltd on the morning of the day. Wang Xiquan, responsible person of Longfeng Catering Service introduces that students and parents are able to check the environmental sanitation, food storage, personnel hygiene and the food processing procedure of the kitchen through smartphone application under the “Transparent Kitchen” program.

Reportedly, by the end of 2017, Zhongshan has established “transparent kitchens” in 9,210 catering service units. All school (including kindergarten unit) canteens, large restaurants, canteens of large companies (of over 800 staffs) and collective meal distribution entities have their own “transparent kitchens”. 

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