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‘Intelligent manufacturing’ promotes upgrading of traditional printing industry
Updated: 2018-06-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A roll of white paper was moving through a 20m long machine. It was turned to pieces of colorful wrapping paper in the end. From paper to finished product, the procedures are done smoothly without any logistic link.

It was the scene in the production workshop of the headquarter of ZRP Printing and Packaging Group. Li Yehong the senior manager says the top equipment the company possesses is few in Asia.

Reportedly, ZRP Group is building the demonstration factory of “Made in China 2025” in printing industry and was selected one of the provincial “intelligent manufacturing demonstration projects”. So far, according to Zhongshan Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Zhongshan has 19 provincial demonstration projects. “Intelligent manufacturing” has been promoting upgrading of traditional industries.

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