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Zhongshan to add subsidy items for entrepreneurs
Updated: 2018-06-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau is now seeking for public opinions for "The Employment Subsidy Funds Management Methods".

The Methods manage and specify 37 subsidy items in terms of labor skill promotion training, skill identification, and etc, and standardize expenditure range, information disclosure, capital management, supervision and inspection, performance evaluation and etc of employment subsidy funds.

“Some popular entrepreneurship-related subsidy items are incorporated in The Methods. Some of these subsidies can exceed 10 million yuan.” Said a staff of Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. He added the “Employment-driving entrepreneurship subsidy” would do benefit newly-established firms including SMEs under 3 years old, individual business, private non-enterprise units, farmers’ specialized cooperatives, home farms and etc. 

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