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Zhongshan publicizes energy consumption of 234 civil architectures
Updated: 2018-06-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau has completed the statistical work of the energy and resource consumption of 234 civil architectures last year and currently publicizes the result on its official website. 

According to the document, shopping malls, hospitals and schools were big electricity users among large-scale public buildings. Dasin Shopping Center in Shiqi District topped power consumption, with total annual electricity consumption of 31,418,545 KWH and per unit area annual electricity consumption of 301.71 KWH.

Shopping malls had more per unit area electricity consumption last year. Total 13 architectures, including 7 shopping malls, consumed more than 200 KWH electricity last year. 

In the “per unit area annual water consumption statistics”, hospitals, shopping malls and traffic stations had more consumption of water. Hebisheng Department Store in Tanzhou town had the most per unit area annual water consumption of 8.77 tons.

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