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Prices of major agricultural and sideline products keep stable in May
Updated: 2018-06-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Local prices of agricultural and sideline products kept stable in May, according to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau. Prices of energies and industrial means of production were mixed. 

Summer vegetables have been on the market since May. The vegetable prices continue dropping and run at a low level owing to the abundant supply. The vegetable price generally declined by 2.59% in May. The average bargain price of 30 kinds of vegetable dropped to 3.39 yuan/500g.

Live pig price jumped last month. The prices of live pig and piglet decreased 4.22% and 11.92% month on month respectively to 5.45 yuan/500g and 12.38 yuan/500g in May.

Meanwhile, the prices of meat, poultry, eggs and aquatic products all showed the decline trend. 

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