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Zhongshan Anti-drug Education Science Museum opens
Updated: 2018-06-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan City Anti-drug Education Base (Zhongshan Anti-drug Education Science Museum) located at Zhongshan Four Road opened on June 24.

During the opening ceremony, Vice Mayor Zheng Zehui indicated the museum will become the main territory of Zhongshan’s anti-drug education and will be of great importance in deepening drug control propaganda and education as well as enhancing anti-drug consciousness of the masses’ in particular of teenagers’.

Zhongshan City Anti-drug Education Base, with a total building area of 1,270 sqm, is donated by China Narcotics Control Foundation and Perfect (China) Co Ltd. It consists of three sections respectively related to history of drug control, anti-drug publicity and education display and drug control voluntary services.

In the museum, visitors can not only hear and watch the stories of drug addicts and experience the VR “The Drug Odyssey”, but also see “their drug-abused selves” through man-machine interaction devices.

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