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Zhongshan delegation of The 15th Games of Guangdong Province founded
Updated: 2018-06-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 15th Games of Guangdong Province will kick off in Zhaoqing City on August 8. Zhongshan delegation of the Guangdong Games was founded on June 25 in the conference room of Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau.

Reportedly, total 972 Zhongshan athletes will compete in 31 sport events during the Guangdong Games.

The competitive cycling team of Zhongshan had arrived Zhaoqing on June 22 for early sport events. Zhongshan athlete Gao Haitao won the gold medal of one kilometer men's cycling race in group B on June 25. It was the first gold medal of Zhongshan delegation. 

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