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National ‘green demonstration’ enterprises can be subsidized
Updated: 2018-06-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“The Zhongshan Enforcement Regulations on Subsidizing Energy-saving and Circular Economy Projects” is released recently. According to The Regulations, there is new subsidy items for “green manufacturing demonstration project”, aiming to promote construction of the city's green manufacturing system.

The Regulations mention that factory wining “national green manufacturing demonstration building” title will be rewarded 200,000 yuan at most, while green park and green supply chain management demonstration enterprise can receive 300,000 yuan subsidy at most. Enterprise which wins national “green product award” can be subsidized 50,000 yuan top respectively for each of the prize-winning product. 

But any single enterprise can only receive at most 300,000 yuan subsidy of different kinds, also according to The Regulations.

To encourage construction and utilization of energy management center to realize real time on-line monitoring of energy-using, The Regulations also add content “Energy consumption unit which builds energy management center in connection with municipal energy management can be subsidized 30% of the total investment, 100,000 yuan at most, for one time”. 

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