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Mai Ronghuan ‘the centenarian loving mother’ passes away
Updated: 2018-07-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On the morning of June 30, Mai Ronghuan who lived in Xigu Village of Dongfeng Town completed her motherly mission and passed away. 

The woman, born in 1918, insisted on taking care of his two mentally handicapped sons for more than half a century after suffering from the war and the loss of husband and daughter.  

Reportedly, Mai Ronghua has won honors such as “China’s Good People” in 2015, “Guangdong Most Influential People of the Year” in 2012, “Zhongshan Women Who Moved You Most” in 2010, “Zhongshan Good People” in 2012, and etc. Last year, her story was selected “Masterpieces of the National Geographic Magazine China Photo Competition”.

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