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Zhongshan to apply new charging standards for six kinds of parking facilities
Updated: 2018-07-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau has introduced the government guidance price for parking charges, which will be officially implemented from August 1, 2018.

According to the new standards, charge rate of six kinds of parking facilities will be adjusted. These facilities include: lawfully designated manual/automatic parking facilities on the roads; ancillary parking facilities in airports, stations, wharves, and ports; ancillary parking facilities of non-profit medical organizations; ancillary parking facilities of public transport hubs and stations; ancillary parking facilities of party and government organs, public institutions, public schools, government-built museums, libraries, youth palaces and cultural palaces and other public units; as well as professional indoor parking facilities of tourist attractions and professional indoor parking facilities invested by township governments or investment companies for urban development.

The new standards are formulated for guiding reasonable parking and utilization of vehicles, encouraging public transit travelling, promoting traffic optimization and alleviating traffic pressure in central areas of the city. 

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