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No more ‘Environmental Label’ on vehicles
Updated: 2018-07-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Environmental Protection Bureau announced on June 28 that Zhongshan will stop issuing “Environmental Label” for vehicles since July 1, 2018. Owners do not need to apply for the environmental protection inspection label for the motor vehicles traveling in the city.

However, Zhongshan will continue the motor vehicle environmental inspection system.

Staff of Zhongshan Environmental Protection Bureau said that although the issuing of “Environmental Label” has been canceled, the emission inspection of vehicles will be maintained. The discharge inspection circle of vehicle is consistent with the safety work examination’s. The public security department will not issue safety check mark for a motor vehicle that has not passed the regular discharge inspection.

Meanwhile, traffic police will no longer inspect the paper “Environmental Label” of motor vehicles traveling in Zhongshan, but can confirm the environmental status of the vehicles with electronic devices. 

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