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Chen Xudong meets with delegation of CPV
Updated: 2018-07-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Municipal Party Secretary Chen Xudong met with delegation of Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on July 4.

Chen Xudong welcomed the CPV delegation on behalf of Zhongshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and introduced the progress of Zhongshan’s economic and social development.

Chen Xudong said Zhongshan has developed close communication with Vietnam. In 2017, Zhongshan’s import and export volume with Vietnam reached 6.84bn yuan, up by 100.2% year-on-year. Both sides had carried out business promotion activities and exchange visits for many time, and reached a cooperation intention early this year in building overseas industrial park. In addition, Zhongshan elite Choi Koon-shum is one of the famous entrepreneurs in Vietnam who had devoted himself to the friendly relationship between China and Vietnam for a long time.

Chen Xudong looked forward to deepened cooperation in trade and investment, education and technology, social governance, culture and tourism and etc between Zhongshan and Vietnam.

During the trip to Zhongshan, the CPV delegation conducted inspection and survey on Zhongshan’s innovations in grass-root social administration and understood economic and social development of Zhongshan and modern revolutionary history of China. 

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