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‘People’s Livelihood Observation Rooms’ established in 17 towns
Updated: 2018-07-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Since the debut on April 27, “People’s Livelihood Observation Rooms” had been established in 17 towns so far by Zhongshan Municipal Committee of CPPCC. The observation rooms will help municipal CPPCC members in reaching the grassroots level, listening to people’s voice and providing better public services.

Reportedly, “People’s Livelihood Observation Room” is the new carrier for Municipal CPPCC to carry out consultative democracy at basic levels. The first CPPCC People’s Livelihood Observation Room was inaugurated in Zhongshan Broadcasting and Television Station on August 4, 2017. Since then, Municipal CPPCC keeps establishing and optimizing consultative democracy carrier at basic levels.

In accordance with planning, the establishment of “People’s Livelihood Observation Room” in township areas and “CPPCC Member Work Stations” in industrial and commercial organs should be completed by the end of November. 

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