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Summer activities for children start
Updated: 2018-07-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The “Safety Travel” Zhongshan Summer Activities for Children, coordinated by Zhongshan Working Committee on Women and Children and jointly sponsored by Women’s Federation of Zhongshan, Zhongshan Public Security Bureau and Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau, was launched at Zhongshan Expo Center on July 8. Nearly 400 children summer activities in terms of summer camp, reading, parent-child travel, outdoor practice, art, schoolwork guidance, children’s safety and kidnapping prevention will be held from now on to late August.

Notably, this year’s events gives more focuses on “children of migrant workers”. Zhongshan Women and Children Activity Center and township women’s federations will organize various public welfare activities for the children of migrant workers and the children who are reunited with parents in Zhongshan during the summer vacation, hoping to expand these little migrant birds’ horizons, enrich their knowledge, and give them a happy holiday. 

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