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Jiamusi and Zhongshan to strengthen agricultural product trade
Updated: 2018-07-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Commerce Bureau of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province and Zhongshan Bureau of Commerce had a cooperation exchange meeting in Zhongshan City on the morning of July 9.

According to the agreement, business departments of two cities are committed to introducing agricultural products such as Jiamusi rice to Zhongshan. At present, the “Jiamusi Rice” image display store has opened in Guzhen town, Zhongshan. In addition to this, more quality agricultural products from Jiamusi will be pushed to Zhongshan market and will soon debut on Zhongshan people’s dining tables and in high-end hotels by means of direct supply, online and offline sales, community experience and exhibition.

Reportedly, Jiamusi is adjacent to Russia and has obvious advantages in border trade, while Zhongshan is an export-oriented economic city. Both sides can strengthen border trade, hoping to deepen exchange and promote deep-level cooperation such as two-way investment and industrial park construction.

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