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Code scanning payment available on bus
Updated: 2018-07-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Mr. Wu was trying to scan the QR code on Ali-Pay with the scanning device equipped on the South Bus Station to pay for his bus ride on July 10. According to staff of Zhongshan Public Transportation Group, bus payment can be processed through QR code scanning from the day on.

So far, up to 2,000 buses of 180 bus lines operated by Zhongshan Public Transportation Group have been upgraded and equipped with scanning devices, says Luo Jiaxing, Director of Operations of Zhongshan Tong Company. Equipment upgrade for BRT stations will be completed by the end of September. The QR code bus payment system will be officially put into operation from December. Other mobile payments such as WeChat will be added to the system after the stable trial run.

Reportedly, “QR code payment on bus” is one of the top 10 livelihood projects of the city this year. 

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