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The 10th Zhongshan Book Fair to open
Updated: 2018-07-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 South China Book Festival Zhongshan Parallel Session cum The 10th Zhongshan Book Fair will be held from July 13 to July 17 at Zhongshan Expo Center. The event this year will contain splendid activities such as new books release, book sales and signings, theme lectures, reading salons, charitable donations and etc in celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and the 30th anniversary of the upgrade to prefecture-level city.

Zhongshan Politics and Law Committee, Zhongshan Social Work Committee, Zhongshan Civilization Office, Civil Affairs Bureau of Zhongshan City, Zhongshan Youth League and Zhongshan Women and Children Federation will jointly organize “The Public Welfare Market” cum “The 6th ‘Universal Love 100’ Project Promotion” during the book fair. 

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