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ASEAN maritime experts visit Zhongshan
Updated: 2018-07-18    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A 40-man “maritime affairs and rescues” expert team from 5 ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam came to Zhongshan Maritime Safety Administration on July 16 to gain in-depth understanding of the application and effectiveness of Zhongshan’s “Smart Maritime” platform.

“We have installed more than 200 surveillance cameras in important waters such as ferries and docks in Zhongshan. In case of accidents, the ‘Smart Maritime’ platform can function to assist in verifying the number of people involved in the risks.” Said responsible person of Zhongshan Maritime Safety Administration.

Reportedly, about 166.6 thousand ships entered and departed ports in Zhongshan last year, with a 34.7% year-on-year increase. 

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