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The ‘prosperity road’ on snow tableland
Updated: 2018-07-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

It is the harvest season for cordyceps in Gongbo’gyamda County, Tibet between late April and June every year. For farmers and herdsmen in A’pei Village and Jiedigang Village, from this year on they don’t need to climb over hill and dale for cordyceps digging. Thanks to the 6km-long newly-built mountain road funded by Zhongshan Tibet Aid Working Group, local farmers and herdsmen now can reach the hills in just half an hour by motorbike, which gives them more time to dig cordyceps.

To appreciate Zhongshan Tibet Aid Working Group’s work, villages set up a huge stone monument at the starting point of the road, printed “Guangdong Zhongshan Aiding Tibet Prosperity Road”.

Tibet aid work is no small matter. In addition to building new road, Zhongshan Tibet Aid Working Group had done a lot for local farmers and herdsmen in difficulty resolving. For example, Zhongshan Tibet Aid Working Group launched the “Sincere Operation Program” for hydatid disease screening, and built laundries for 4,000 students and teachers. The kind spirit of Zhongshan Tibet Aid Working Group, which is approved by local people, makes great contribution to the national unity cause.

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