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Zhongshan companies participate in international tourism expos
Updated: 2018-07-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 32nd Int’l Travel Expo was held days before at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Zhongshan tourism sector invited to the expo displayed tourist brands and resources of “The Great Man’s Hometown” and promoted the featured tourism products of Zhongshan city with pictures, items and propaganda materials. It aroused great attention from the external tourism industry and Hong Kong citizens. Over 20 Zhongshan-based tourism companies participated in the expo.

Reportedly, in the first half of this year, Zhongshan tourism companies, organized by Zhongshan Tourism Bureau, had participated in other 3 large expos including Guangzhou International Travel Fair, Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo and Taipei Tourism Expo. More than 70 Zhongshan travel companies exhibited in the four expos.

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