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Centralized authentication of pension eligibility canceled
Updated: 2018-07-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan has already canceled the centralized authentication of pension eligibility, according to Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Hereafter, pensioner with Zhongshan household registration and based in Zhongshan will be authenticated their pension eligibility randomly by relevant departments.

There are six additional pension eligibility authenticating methods for people with no Zhongshan household registration or not based in Zhongshan, including door-to-door authentication, provincial platform authentication, paper authentication, online certification, bank authentication and agency authentication.

Staff of Zhongshan Social Insurance Fund Administration indicates that the insured people are no longer required to complete the centralized authentication in designate location at specific time, but instead, can complete the procedure at any time. The special service windows will be opened for authentication as well.

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