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HKUST One Million Dollar Zhongshan competition concludes
Updated: 2018-07-31    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Regional Final of HKUST One Million Dollar International Entrepreneurship Competition concluded days before. Total 16 teams and individuals won the prizes. In specific, the HKUST team won the 250,000-yuan first prize with its “The Application of Nanometer Liquid Cuprum in Photovoltaic Field” project.

The HKUST One Million Dollar International Entrepreneurship Competition, was previously held in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macao and Beijing in 2016 and 2017. This year, two new regional areas in Zhongshan and Foshan were added to the competition.

The Zhongshan regional competition was launched in April this year. Five winners can enter the national grand final. Reportedly, these prize-winning projects will have priority in apply for technological fund from relevant financial institutions once register in Zhongshan. The incubation loan for these projects can be up to 2 million yuan. The prize-winning teams will also have the opportunity to receive training in University of California, Berkeley. 

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