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Half-year economic analysis meeting convened
Updated: 2018-08-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Half-year Economic Analysis Meeting was convened on July 30 to deliberate the city's economic operation for the first half of the year and deploy the economic goals for the next stage.

In the first six months, Zhongshan’s gross regional production increased 6% year-on-year to 186.23bn yuan. Added value of above scale industry, fixed investment and total retail sales of consumer goods were up 4.1, 2.6 and 0.5 percentage points respectively comparing with the first quarter.

Above scale advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing saw 5.4% and 6.5% growth respectively, with 0.4 and 1.6 percentage points higher than the above scale industry growth. Industrial electricity consumption was up 6.2%, industrial taxation revenue was up 12.4%, and cargo throughput of ports was up 64.4%.

Zhongshan’s Purchasing Managers Index of key enterprises reached 50.4 in June. 

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