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Zhongshan discipline inspection committee combats corruption in poverty-relief areas
Updated: 2018-08-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Since the beginning of the year, Zhongshan discipline inspection committee and supervisory committee has intensified combat on corruption in poverty-relief and poverty-stricken population-assisting areas. So far, the committees have investigated and filed 14 persons, punished 3 and transferred 2 to judiciary authorities after thorough search of 181 clues.

Days before, Zhongshan discipline inspection committee released the “Implementation Plan on Intensifying Combat on Corruption and Working Style Issues in Poverty-relief and Poverty-stricken Population-assisting Areas”. 

Zhongshan discipline inspection committee and supervisory committee also join hands with Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau to launch a 2-month special inspection on utilization of livelihood funds.

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