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The half-year general public budget expenditure reaches 22.31bn yuan
Updated: 2018-08-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan’s general public budget revenue and tax revenue both increased in the first half of the year.

According to the statistics of the Zhongshan Finance Bureau, the general public budget revenue increased 6.5% (on year-on-year basis, the same below) to 17.73bn yuan in the first six months, completing 52.5% of the annual planned budget. The tax revenue reached 12.92bn yuan, up by 8.5%, while non-tax revenue was 4.82bn yuan, up by 1.3% and accounting for 27.2% of the general public budget revenue.

At the same time, the half-year general public budget expenditure increased 2.8% to 22.31bn yuan. The completing rate reached 58.2%, ranking first province-wide. The expenditure on livelihood areas (including education, social security, employment and etc) reached 15.63bn yuan, accounting for 70.7% of the general public budget expenditure. 

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