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Three Zhongshan listed companies disclose half-year performance
Updated: 2018-08-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan-based a-share listed companies Vatti, Piano and Palm had disclosed their half-year performance as of August 6.

In the first half of the year, Vatti’s operation revenue increased 17.24% (year-on-year, the same below) to 3.173bn yuan, while the net profit increased 45.32% to 342mn yuan. Vatti sees stable and growing performance owing to its upgraded branding strategy, increasing brand effects, optimized product structure, increased channel assets and improved management, says the company in a statement.

Piano’s operation revenue and net profit rose 40.84% and 39.9% respectively to 443mn yuan and 4.85mn yuan in the first six months of the year.

Palm has generated 2.35bn yuan operation revenue in the first half, with a 10.63% growth. The company’s net profit reached 106mn yuan, up by 25.87%. 

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