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Self-employed upgrades to enterprise
Updated: 2018-08-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“It is not just a name changing process from self-employed to enterprise. Instead, it demonstrates that the company has become stronger, and is of greater business scale, management level and risk control capacity.” Says Li Mingzheng, responsible person of Zhongshan Dongxin Hoisting Equipment Co Ltd.

According to Zhongshan Industrial and Commercial Bureau, about 235,000 self-employed businesses, including Dongxin Hoisting Equipment, have upgraded to enterprises since 2011, which leads to optimized market structure and provides favorable conditions to the city’s economic structural adjustment and transformation and group development.

Since the beginning of this year, Zhongshan Industrial and Commercial Bureau has revised “Zhongshan Implementation Plan on Supporting Transformation of Self-employed Business”, hoping to advance “self-employed to enterprise” work by establishing “self-employed to enterprise” library, optimizing relevant work procedure, introducing preferential policies, and other measures. 

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