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Zhongshan athletes break the provincial record
Updated: 2018-08-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan athletes made great achievements again in The 15th Guangdong Games on August 12. 

In School Division Men’s Group A 4x400m relay race, Foshan team claimed the champion in 3m17s36, while Zhongshan team won the silver medal in 3m17s62. Both teams broke the 17-year-old provincial record. 

In Men’s Group B 4x400m relay race, Zhongshan team won the gold medal in 3m27s7. Shenzhen team took the second place in 3m27s30. 

Later that day, in Competitive Division Mens’s Group C 56KG Weightlifting, 14-year-old Zhongshan athlete Quan Yongqi obatined the gold medal. 

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