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Zhongshan has 11 100mn-level cosmetics manufacturing companies
Updated: 2018-08-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

There are 66 cosmetic manufacturing companies in Zhongshan as of the end of July, 11 of which are of over 100mnn-yuan production value, according to Zhongshan Cosmetic Industry Association.

Sub-contract production has become the main production mode of Zhongshan cosmetics manufacturing companies. A total of 146 makeup brands entrust Zhongshan companies for production.

As one of the strategic emerging industries of the city, the cosmetics industry has sprung up a batch of quality leading enterprises such as Perfect, Mentholatum, Darlie and Nox Bellow, which have superiority and economic effectiveness in facial mask, toothpaste, sunscreen, makeup and other fields.

Statically, last year the total output value of cosmetics in Zhongshan was 14.15bn yuan, up 0.89bn yuan from a year earlier. The tax revenue reached 2.13bn yuan, up 0.15bn yuan compared with 2016. 

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